Blogger Spotlight Tour – Featuring Monique from Mo Books Blog!


Hello everyone! Today I’d LOVE to introduce you to Monique from Mo Books!


Mo Books is a beautiful blog that features tons of information about books, reviews, blog tours, and more! Including:

One of the things that stuck out most to me about Mo Books (aside from the cute row of sparkling hearts at the bottom of each post) was her Favorite Series Section, with Game of Thrones right at the top. I’m a HUGE Game of Thrones fan . . . so, right away I knew me and Monique were gonna get along just fine!


And now, without further ado, I give you
(cue trumpets blaring)
An Exclusive Interview with Monique from Mo Books!

Thanks for stopping by Monique! I’ve got a couple of questions lined up for ya – hopefully you’ll enjoy answering them! So, let’s get started!


1. Why did you start Mo Books, how did you come up with the name, and how long have you been blogging?

I started Mo_Books because I was really getting sick of my friends and family humoring me when it came to talking about the books that I love. You know when you’re super excited about something, and while your explaining why to someone, you can tell that they’re not really listening to you – it was like that. So I decided to start a blog and talk to other people that actually have a passion for reading.

It was easy coming up with a name for my blog. My husband is the only person on this planet that ever called me by a nickname – Mo – and of course I blog about books, so it came to me pretty quickly.

I’m still new when it comes to blogging – I started in March 2013. I absolutely love it! It’s great having a place where I can be creative, talk about the things I love, and meet new awesome bloggers (like you Shannon :D)!

I totally understand what you mean about someone not listening to you while you rave about an awesome book you just read! I think you made a perfect choice in starting your blog! I know I plan to check it out often!
2. What is your favorite thing about reading?

The best part that goes along with reading is getting completely lost in someone else’s world that is very different from my own. That wonderful moment when your eyes are flying across the pages trying to read the words faster than your brain can register them, because you HAVE TO know what happens next! I love that rush! LOL!

I completely agree with your answer!!! See, I knew we had a bunch in common!
3. It appears you read a wide range of genres. Which genre do you find yourself most drawn to and what do you enjoy most about that genre?

I enjoy reading so many different genres of books and I truly find it difficult to choose a top contender. Something I can guarantee is that if a book has sci fi or post apocalyptic/ dystopian elements then I am all in. I love space and time travel, cyborgs etc when it comes to sci fi. It’s just so darn interesting! And reading a story about someone rising up against a wrongful new society in a somehow ravaged world, will get me hooked most of the time.

I’m also a fan of dystopian novels (I’m lookin’ at you Hunger Games & Divergent!) The whole hero-righting-evil-doers theme snags me everytime, too!
4. Say you’ve actually managed to find a book virgin – and by this I mean someone who has yet to find their True Love, aka the book that surpasses all books. (I know I have a few books that are my go-to choice if someone asks me, “What’s a good book to read?”) What book would you direct this poor, lost soul to in hopes that he/she would finally find True Love?

I love to recommend books. Each of the books I would choose for a “book virgin” I put in categories that would be age appropriate. I immensely enjoyed each and every one of them:

Middle Grade – Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. These books are cleverly written and packed with action, humor and mystery.

Young Adult – Across the Universe by Beth Revis. A thrilling adventure in space aboard the generation ship Godspeed on route to a new home.

Adult – The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. A whirlwind, epic romance that has one of my all time favorite endings.

I still have not read a Percy Jackson novel – but I really hope to remedy that someday soon!
5. Last question! If you could be any character from any book and travel to any world, who would you be, where would you go, and what other characters (again, from any book) would be your companions?

This is definitely a fun question and one I needed to think about.

I would be Alex Andros from the Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Then I would go to Hogwarts from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I would bring Magnus Bane from the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, because he is so awesome. My second choice to bring with me would be Daemon Black from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, because every girl needs a sexy guy around 😉

Loved, loved, loved your answer to this question!
Okay, this is really the last question. Any pearls of wisdom about blogging or anything else that you’d like to share?

If I could give one piece of advice for someone who has just started a blog it would be to have patience. You can do it and you will get the hang of it. I knew nothing when I first started and learned everything from other bloggers and tirelessly looking online. I have quite a few hair pulling out moments but the extreme satisfaction that I felt when I finally got it right, trumped all those awful moments.

Well Thank You Monique for stoppin’ by today and allowing us all to get to know ya better! I hope you and your blog grow in followers, and I can’t wait to see your next post!

And that’s a wrap!


Want More of Mo Books?!?! Well, here’s how! Find Monique at:
Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads * Google+ * Blog Lovin


Now go check out all the other blogs that are part of the Blogging Spotlight Tour!

September 8th
Bookcrastinators in Wonderland

September 9th
Blue Eyed Book Reviews
The Quiet Girl Talks
Sharon’s Book Nook
Shelfspace Needed

September 10th
Music Plus Books
Hardback Book Hotties
Sleepless Nights Romance Reviews

September 11th
These are but Shadows
Writer Grrl Reads
Nilmas Bokhylla

September 12th
The Words Written
Book Lady’s Reviews
The Book Review
Beauty and the Bookshelf

September 13th
Living for the Books
Little Bookworm Reviews
Ramblings on Readings

September 14th
Grown Up Fangirl
Trips Down Imagination Road
Jenuine Cupcakes
Read. Write. Ramble.


A special thanks to Justine from The Closet Library and Jazmen from This Girl Reads A Lot for hosting the Blogger Spotlight Tour!

8 responses to “Blogger Spotlight Tour – Featuring Monique from Mo Books Blog!

    • Mo, you’re such a friendly person that it was easy to put up this post! If we lived closer to each other, I’d meet ya for drinks where we could gush about all our favorite books and authors and characters! That’s the one downside to blogging. You meet all these fantastic people – but they all live so far away.

    • Thanks! I really enjoyed it! I don’t know which I liked more, asking Mo questions or answering Carmen’s questions 🙂 Put me down for next year!!!

  1. Awesome interview! Especially loved the question about what character you’d want to be, where you’d go, and who you’d take with you! Magnus Bane would be great company 😉

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